It is important to always give your tomato plants a good view

This happy little plant, already in bud a week into January, is the result of the latest seedling I brought into the office. My team’s side of the floor has a southern exposure and all-day sunlight.

Tomatoes may not love growing in pots, but they are strong and adaptable plants. What a potted plant loses in root roaming, it may partially make up for by not having to contend with insects and extreme variations in temperature.

This particular plant is an Azoychka, a bright yellow Russian beefsteak variety. I last grew it in my garden during the summer of 2016, with mixed results. My plants were strong and early producers, but the tomatoes never quite obtained the sweet citrus undertones for which this variety is known. I thought it was worth trying again, as the latest office plant, before I dedicate space to it in the garden.
