One James Galway down

One James Galway down

Diseases, RRD (Rose Rosette Disease)
[caption id="attachment_2333" align="alignright" width="350"] Unusually bristled, disfigured growth is a sign of RRD[/caption] There isn't much more unpleasant to a gardener than watching helplessly as a young plant develops symptoms of an incurable disease. Last fall, one of my James Galway shrubs started showing telltale signs of RRD (Rose Rosette Disease), a virus (spread my a microscopic mite) that can decimate and disfigure roses. Unfortunately, once you are reasonably sure of the diagnosis, there is nothing that can be done to help the plant -- it needs to be removed, before the disease spreads to others nearby.  I'll be posting more about this topic (in particular because an unrelated, potted plant developed a case of it this year, and likewise also had to be put down). But for now, there…
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